Friday, April 15, 2011

Maggie Gallagher to Testify before Snooki Boehner's House Marriage Hearing, Receives Anita Bryant Award From GetEqual

Maggie Gallagher at the Cato Institute
I've never seen cankles on someone's neck before.
Maggie "The Human Toad" Gallagher (pictured), chairperson of the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) ~ the shill group created by the perverse partnership of the Catholic and Mormon churches ~ who brought us California's Prop 8 and a host of other anti-marriage equality state constitutional amendments, will be testifying today before a House hearing on defending marriage.

Even though all of NOM's bald-faced lies about the evils of same-sex marriage have been shot down by every legitimate researcher on the planet, House Republicans won't let that stop them from blocking DOMA repeal, which a majority of Americans now support.

House Speaker John "Snooki" Boehner defended the use of tax-payer money in another effort by the GOP to justify discrimination against LGBT Americans at a news conference Thursday:
“There are a lot of committees, a lot of hearings," Boehner said. "As I made it clear from the beginning of this year, the committee process is important to this institution, and I think addressing any question — serious question — in American society is legitimate.”

The Washington Blade reports:
Michael Cole-Schwartz, spokesperson for the Human Rights Campaign, said in response to Boehner’s remarks that the upcoming hearing will “no doubt showcase the [Republican] majority’s obsession with ensuring continued discrimination against same-sex couples.”

“They’re welcome to think that’s a legitimate way to spend their time but the vast majority of Americans will be scratching their heads wondering why House Republicans have held a third hearing in as many weeks to demonize LGBT people,” Cole-Schwartz said.

Cole-Schwartz was counting two earlier hearings that House committees held to oversee implementation of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” repeal as anti-gay hearings and the upcoming testimony on “defending marriage” as the third anti-gay hearing this year.
How's that job creation thing workin' for ya, Snooks? Read more at the Washington Blade.


GetEqual activists greeted Cankle Neck in the hallway outside the Marriage Hearing this morning and presented her with the first annual Anita Bryant Award for Unbridled and Unparalleled Bigotry.

Via Pam's House Blend:
"In presenting this award to Ms. Gallagher, we are recognizing the bigotry that she has pioneered over the past few years - malice that has put her ahead of the pack in the world of professional bigots who draw a paycheck each day from the hatred they stir up among the 'radical right' wing of the American public," said Robin McGehee, director of GetEQUAL. "At a time when Americans overwhelmingly support marriage equality it takes a very special person like Ms. Gallagher to stand up and fight for discriminations and bigotry. It's gratifying to be able to draw attention to the unrelenting hatred that Ms. Gallagher and others at the National Organization for Marriage have been contributing to American life."
At the Congressional hearing, GetEQUAL was able to present Ms. Gallagher with an award certificate, which will be accompanied at a later date with a prize in honor of the award's namesake - a cream pie. Harkening back to an incident in 1977, the award is given in commemoration of the "pieing" of Anita Bryant - then the leader of Save Our Children. Video of the incident can be found at

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