To that end, on the heals of the Obama Administration's announcement last week that the Justice Dept. would no longer defend the federal ban on marriage equality, the senator from New york has launched the website RepealDOMA.com, where she hopes LGBT Americans will share their stories about how they have been personally impacted by the Defense of Marriage Act.
From the site:
Achieving marriage equality for all Americans is a top priority for Senator Kirsten Gillibrand and the first step
toward that goal is to repeal the so-called Defense of Marriage Act or DOMA.
Passed in 1996, DOMA: enshrined into US law the discriminatory notion that marriage is only between a man and a woman said that states that don’t allow marriage equality don’t have to recognize same sex marriages from other states denies loving married couples over 1,000 legal rights and privileges that straight couples enjoy.
On February 23, 2011, the Obama administration determined that Section 3 of DOMA is unconstitutional and announced they would not defend it in court.
This is a big step forward but in the meantime, the law remains on the books until Congress repeals it.
Please sign the petition and join Senator Gillibrand in the fight to overturn this discriminatory policy.Click here to visit the website and share your story.
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